Hi my name is Daniel and I've been an event emcee for a long time. I also have experience in improv and have performed at stand up comedy shows more than a few times. This is what sets us apart from the other emcee companies in San Diego, the effort and experience. These are two things that I pass down to my hosts, to give them the tools to be successful.
We are the best because that is what we strive for, we always offer a unique event with different fun elements added. Take Twisted Trivia for example, it isn't enough to just read the words off the paper, we want our attendees to feel like they're part of the show, I'm proud of how interactive our events have become.
Before building SDHosted I've worked and attended many trivia events, I realized what would make or break an event is the host. The host needs to be a lot of things, but a good host should be able to build a connection with people above all else.
Being able to connect with other humans is what adds to the human experience, if you can successfully entertain someone they'll preach about the event and come back. Think about any comedian you love watching, you love them because what they say resonates with you and they make you laugh, on some level you identify with what they're saying.
We focus on human interaction, we focus on building relationships with our attendees, whether it be for one event or multiple. We focus on entertaining and creating value for our attendees. We take our job very seriously at SDHosted, we strive to improve an event with our presence, because after all, that is what we are paid to do!
At private events this is even more important. Typically at private events people are being forced to attend by their company or boss, so we must elevate our event to help these people have a good time! Whether you want a silly fun emcee, or a stoic emcee to keep your event on track, we take our job seriously. Event emcees are the leader of the event, if the emcee is having fun you're attendees will match that energy.
What sets us apart is that we care, we want your event to be truly superb, and we have the tools to take it there. With humor and a focus on your attendees, we focus on elevating the bar for event emcees in the Southern California area. If you have questions or want to know more about us, dont hesitate to contact us.