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Wednesday trivia at Quartyard

I was thrilled when Quartyard asked me to host their trivia, it's one of my favorite places in downtown San Diego. It's the only all-outside venue in downtown San Diego I can think of and they throw awesome music events there all the time.

We've seen immense growth at the weekly Wednesday trivia events, teams are getting bigger and we're running out of seats! It's one of my favorite places to host because everyone is there to have fun and hear a joke or two, no one takes it too seriously.

Hoge Smiley face outside the quartyard san diego bar

It's a great break from the monotony of the work week; plus who doesn't love discovering which of their friends are trivia aficionados and which.... aren't! Plus you can bring your dog, it's a win win.

The food is fantastic, the beer list immaculate, the vibes pristine, I hope you'll join us at a Wednesday edition of Twisted Trivia at Quartyard in Downtown San Diego!


Don't miss Weekly Twisted Trivia Events:

Wednesday: Quartyard Downtown

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