SDHosted is proud to announce one of our favorite events, B!ngo at Quartyard once a month on Fridays. This fresh take on B!ngo combines the traditional fun of bingo with mini games, a win-it wheel, and so many prizes! If you don't get a bingo you can still be a winner by spinning our win-it wheel or participating in mini games for prizes, we want as many patrons to win as possible! Plus drink and food specials to help combat these crazy inflation prices!

This once a month event, nestled in East Village at Quartyard, offers digital as well as physical bingo cards, tons of prizes and fun, and a great host who is there to keep you entertained. This is a free event, so bring your bingo-loving friends to Quartyard! Our host utilizes a wireless mic to walk around and interact with our guests while the game goes on.
People always wonder what types of mini games we play, from Musical Flip Cup to Dizzy Mummy to Water Balloon Tosses to games of skill, we want you to experience a new game every time you come to B!ngo. From single player games to team games, this is a great way to become involved with the event and do something fun! We typically allow as many participants as possible to get everyone up and involved with the entertainment.

Our win-it wheel has all kinds of prizes, from pieing the host in the face, to Quartyard swag, to even making a toast to the crowd, the win-it wheel has prizes and dares for you to do. This isn't your traditional bingo event, we combine multiple elements of games you love to make this the most unique and fun event you'll ever go to! To this day, our bingo hosts have been pied over 40 times at these events!

Our prizes range from Quartyard related items, to unique SDHosted items, to gift cards for local businesses, and even random prizes like video game immolators and free tickets to awesome shows in San Diego! We offer a diverse range of prizes to make sure people can get prizes that they'll truly treasure and hold on to.
We invite you and your friends to check out San Diego's most unique and fun game, B!ngo once a month at Quartyard in East Village/downtown San Diego. For information on when the next B!ngo event is, follow us on Instagram or check out Quartyard's website! We do bi-weekly and monthly bingos in downtown San Diego so stay tuned! And as always, bring your dogs!
